7 high-fat meals to avoid
Butter and oil are high in saturated fat, but if you're not adding them, you may not notice. Cookies, cakes, and brownies usually include butter or oil, so eat them in moderation
Although butter is often added to cooked and baked items before buying them, unlike lard and shortening, it is often deliberately added to bagels, toast, rolls, and pancakes.
Candy is high in fat and calories. The saturated fat in cocoa butter can mount up quickly in chocolate candy.
Fat is found in potato chip oils, not potatoes. Unfortunately, eating chips by the fistful adds up to too much saturated fat.
As usual, oil will get you. Chicken, potatoes, onions, and other healthful items become unhealthy when deep-fried in saturated and trans fats.
Fast food is generally bad. Fast food is ultra-processed, preservative-laden, sodium-rich, and high in calories, saturated fats, and trans fats (from frying oil).
Many meats are fatty from the start, but they can gain fat during cooking. Pork belly, bacon, sausage, ribs, cured meats, and select steaks are high in fat.