Great Foods to Eat A Lot Of Without Getting Fat

Weight loss nutritionist, but also human. If I could eat cheeseburgers and fries without sacrificing my health and weight, I would. That's not how life works.  

Weight loss (and maintenance) includes tradeoffs. Knowing how much of your favorite meals you can consume while reaching your goals is tricky.  

I can't let you eat anything without growing fat. However, I can help you lose or maintain weight without feeling deprived.   

I propose these eight foods to my coaching clients to help them get results without feeling deprived.   

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Just 8 foods are in this article. Visit ChaChingQueen for a full list of fat-burning foods.  

We also made this video: A dietitian lists 12 high-calorie, fat-free foods.Which Foods Make You Fat?   

Ultra-processed foods have more fat, sugar, and salt. This crave-worthy mix makes overeating and weight gain easy.   

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