Mother attacked by a rottweiler, "scarred for life" 

Ms. Leung's 70 stitches were used to seal the incisions on the side of her face after a four-hour wait in the hospital. 

Mushroom and Shue Leung, 52, were out for a morning stroll when the 52-year-old was attacked and dragged to the ground by an off-leash Rottweiler.  

I saw a rottweiler loose from its leash and without its muzzle, she remarked.  

I wanted to catch him, so I got my dog up. I was pushed to the ground by his [the rottweiler's] full force. 

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Following closely behind him was the owner.  My dog's front arm was nearly seized by him.  

I had a firm grip on my dog. The rottweiler couldn't reach my dog because I was curled up. 

The video shows the rottweiler zeroing in on the shih-tzu, who is seven years old, before suddenly lunging at them. 

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