On March 19th, several zodiac signs will show signs of fresh starts. 

Get ready to welcome positive changes and tap into the energy shift as the spring equinox approaches.  

With the arrival of the equinox, Aries season begins, so be ready to shine, Aries.  

Mars rules your fiery nature, so you're always up for an adventure and a great leader when it comes to achieving your goals. 

As the equinox marks the beginning of your cosmic marathon, you can anticipate a burst of energy and excitement to carry you forth. 

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As the equinox draws near, Taurus, you are prepared to establish a foundation and grow plenty.  

You are an expert at bringing about concrete results because, as a Venusian, you place a premium on safety and security. 

You can use the regenerative power of the equinox, which marks the beginning of Taurus season, into laying the groundwork for future achievements. 

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